Others 其他

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Camel Roasted Cashews

Came Natural Baked Almonds

Camel Natural Bake Cashews

Camel Natural Cocktail Mix

Camel Natural Bake Pistachios

Camel Natural Nutty Berries

Came Shandong Groundnuts 蒜香花生

Came Shandong Groundnuts 山东花生

Crispy Fish Skin 香脆皮

Jele Beautie - Lemon 柠檬味

Jele Beautie - Black Currant 黑加仑味

Jele Beautie - Strawberry 草莓味

Jele Beautie - Apple 苹果味

Jele Beautie - Lychee 荔枝味

Jele Beautie - Grape 葡萄味

Spicy Sakura Prawn Soup Noodles 樱花虾辣汤面

Pandan White Curry Noodles 班兰白咖哩面

Green Tom Yum Soup Noodles 青酸辣汤面


1 - 24 of 33

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